
A digital signature is a is a secure digital key used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a digital document. It typically contains your identity (name, email, country, APNIC account name and your public key) and is issued by a Certifying Authority (CA). Digital signatures create a virtual fingerprint that is unique to an individual or entity and are used to identify users and protect the information in digital messages or documents and ensures no distortion occurs when in transit between signer and receiver.

A2Z offers Paper-less steps to issue Class-3 Digital Signature for individuals and organizations. The DSC is available with validity period of 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years. Class 3 DSC is now mandated to be used for all types of transactions in India.

Benefits of e-Tokens
Saves Time

Maximum of global trade is offered through a tender process and it’s a time-consuming and tedious process. Many rounds of negotiations and documentation with accurate data in the correct format eat into resources and profits.

Cost Savings

Maximum of global trade is offered through a tender process and it’s a time-consuming and tedious process. Many rounds of negotiations and documentation with accurate data in the correct format eat into resources and profits.

Workflow Efficiency

Maximum of global trade is offered through a tender process and it’s a time-consuming and tedious process. Many rounds of negotiations and documentation with accurate data in the correct format eat into resources and profits.

Better Customer Experience

Maximum of global trade is offered through a tender process and it’s a time-consuming and tedious process. Many rounds of negotiations and documentation with accurate data in the correct format eat into resources and profits.


Maximum of global trade is offered through a tender process and it’s a time-consuming and tedious process. Many rounds of negotiations and documentation with accurate data in the correct format eat into resources and profits.

Environmental Benefits

Maximum of global trade is offered through a tender process and it’s a time-consuming and tedious process. Many rounds of negotiations and documentation with accurate data in the correct format eat into resources and profits.